
Cloudinfrastack team has more than 5 years of experience with automation DevOps solutions which we provide to our clients. Cloudinfrastack internal DevOps culture helps us move faster forward with agile processes and continuous education. We are proud to be Open Source advocates and promoters who contribute to multiple public Open Source projects.

Cloudinfrastack publicly shares and educates DevOps community via public meetups and events. Moreover, we contribute to several educational projects at high schools and IT universities.

Cloudinfrastack Icon Global Infrastructure

Global Infrastructure

Cloudinfrastack Icon One of the Safest Datacentres

One of the safest data centers in Europe

Cloudinfrastack Icon International Team

International gender balanced team

Cloudinfrastack Icon DevOps Consulting

Leaders in DevOps technologies


Our mission is to deliver to our customers the newest technologies in the DevOps and cloud field. At the same time we would like to offer our unique combination of technological solution created to fit every single customer and build DevOps community by sharing information in the DevOps and cloud field.


We want to become the leading trend influencers in the DevOps and cloud field through our own development of technologies and by sharing these experiences with our customers and the DevOps community. At the same time we would like to maintain the continual growth of the society.

Our values

Flat hierarchy

In our company we are all equal. Our work relations are based on mutual trust and friendship.

Work-life nalance

Personal life is very important to us and therefore we offer 2 days of remote work per week. Our office encounters are rather comfortable intern meetings with pizza or shared breakfasts.

Personal responsibility

In our company, everybody works independently. Personal responsibility is therefore fundamental. During planning, everybody has got the opportunity to say what they would like to work on.

Agile principles

Our values are, among others, based on agile principles in relation to our clients. We have daily stand-ups where we share what we have finished, what we are working on, or if we can help each other out with anything.

In the same frame of agile principles, we take large interest in satisfying our clients and employees, in constant improvements of our processes and outcomes of our work, and in the maximal openness in our relations with customers and especially within our own company. Last but not least, we put a lot of value on expanding the efficiency of our work to give the greatest outcome.

Working with modern technologies

Being the supporters of modern technologies, we encourage our employees in further educating themselves. In our company anyone can learn any of our technologies. Among the technologies we use are for example OpenStack, Ceph, Kubernetes, Docker, Puppet, Ansible, Foreman, MySQL, Jenkins, Prometheus, Sensu, Elastic Stack, Cumulus Linux, and many others.

What are the keys of our success?

Cloudinfrastack Icon Our Clients

Personal approach

We always customize our services to fit clients’ needs

Cloudinfrastack Icon Agile Workflow

Agile workflow

Thanks to the agile workflow we move forward quickly and effectively

Cloudinfrastack Icon Team Work

Team work

cloudinfrastack is all about the cooperation, sharing ideas and know-how

Cloudinfrastack Icon Ambition


We strive to be the best in DevOps solutions, we continuously improve our skills and knowledge at TOP world conferences