
Provided solution

Do you want to use any of cloudinfrastack solutions yourself? We will deploy them for you and provide all the tools. We will help you with onboarding and initial training, so your team can quickly and effectively start using deployed solutions.

Knowledge Transfer

Increase the ability of your development and IT operations teams to respond to the needs of the quick technological growth. Our DevOps knowledge transfer is a consulting and a training service customized to your specific technological needs. This service is intended for clients with specific technological needs on which the trainings will be focused.

DevOps Consultation

Cloudinfrastack engineers will help you quickly gain alignment and make the necessary decisions to establish a scalable, secure infrastructure for digital business. Our DevOps consulting services will help you integrate your development and operations teams through the adoption of the cloud-native solutions.

Managed Infrastructure

Your IT infrastructure is a blend of legacy and modern systems that need to align with your business goals. However, too often your business changes faster than your infrastructure. To keep a track with today´s rapidly changing technologies, you need a trusted infrastructure partner.