Managed infrastructure

Your IT infrastructure is a blend of legacy and modern systems that need to align with your business goals. However, too often your business changes faster than your infrastructure. To keep a track with today´s rapidly changing technologies, you need a trusted infrastructure partner.

Cloudinfrastack experts can manage your infrastructure to keep pace with your changing business, allowing you to focus on the applications and IT initiatives that will transform your business.

Cloudinfrastack Managed Infrastructure services provide peace of mind, so you can focus on your core business.

On Premise

Our remote infrastructure management is a reliable and a cost-effective option to ensure properly running infrastructure.

Managed Hosting

We offer management services for your data centre servers, operating systems, applications, big data, storage, and back-up.


Our multi-cloud management provides the management of cloud servers, operating systems, applications, and your entire cloud ecosystem.

Cloudinfrastack Icon Creation of Strategy

Creating a


We start by assessing your
current IT capabilities, producing
a business case, application
lifecycle maturity audit to
meet your business requirements.

Cloudinfrastack Icon Technology Selection



Our experts help you
understand and select
different types of
technologies to fulfill
your business needs.

Cloudinfrastack Icon Complete Overview



We establish automated
monitoring and reporting
for performance measurement
and operational visibility
to prove the success of your
DevOps/Cloud transformation.

Cloudinfrastack Icon Outsourced Management



Once your DevOps/Cloud implementation is complete, our experts will handle all processes and implementations regarding the transformation. You will have 24/7 support from cloudinfrastack support team and a complete overview over the processes thanks to weekly meetings.

Cloudinfrastack Icon Continuous Transformation



With our wide range of cloud, automation, and data expertise, we continue to be your outsourced technology partner, helping you with any future transformations to stay ahead of your competition.

Why Cloudinfrastack? We are a leading provider of managed infrastructure solutions for businesses of all sizes. Cloudinfrastack is able to work as your trusted partner and create custom solutions that fit specific needs of your company.