Effectively Managing Remote Employees at cloudinfrastack

At Cloudinfrastack we are very proud of our international team of local and remote employees. Not only does it create a positive diversity at the workplace, it also encourages effective cooperation with people of different nationalities. We, as a company, greatly benefit from our remote employees who live in different time zones, most notably in terms of the overall effectiveness and flexibility which it offers when tasks need to be completed around the clock.

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Why Providing Food and Drinks in the Office of IT Companies Contributes to Having Happy and Motivated Employees?

It’s a no brainer that being a part of a rapidly growing and constantly changing industry such as IT requires a different approach in most areas, including the productivity and happiness of your employees. At Cloudinfrastack we believe that our business is not only collective success, but we also firmly believe that our office is more than just a place where work takes place, it’s also an environment that needs to be adjusted accordingly to the needs of the employees as they are the ones who most often occupy the office space.

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Using FFMPEG to Convert Cudio and Video Formats

FFMPEG is a powerful open-source tool you can use to handle various multimedia files. In this tutorial we will outline the basic functionality of FFMPEG, however, it is important to consider that this is only a small portion of the FFMPEG project. FFMPEG can be downloaded from the official FFMPEG website and it can also be downloaded using a package manager such as APT.

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It has been a long time since http/2 was introduced to the world. Http/2 promised higher speed, lesser packets, multiplexing, and much more. We know there is a profound difference between http/1.1 and http/2 but many things remain unsolved. That is why IETF in collaboration with google started developing the newest version of http, version 3 based on the QUIC protocol.

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