Video: Rapid API Development with AWS API Gateway – Karel Jakubec from Vistaprint

In the past years APIs became an essential part of modern web applications. API incorporated most of the stuff historically done on the server side – authentication and authorization, combining data sources, calling 3rd party services etc. This puts a lot of pressure on API stability and scalability, yet we still need a sustainable pace for feature development.

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Video: Building CDN with Ceph Object Storage – Josef Zelenka and Zdeněk Janda from cloudinfrastack

Cloudinfrastack has been challenged with designing CDN, storing 200M images and serving them to web with high performance caching. In this talk we will present complete solution, consisting of Ceph object storage gateway RadosGW, frontend image serving and on-the-fly resizing, and essential tips for designing, running and optimizing such demanding task with Ceph.

Continue reading “Video: Building CDN with Ceph Object Storage – Josef Zelenka and Zdeněk Janda from cloudinfrastack”